Protein Intake

Important Points

After bariatric surgery, It is usually recommended to take 60-80 grams of protein per day.

Women are typically recommended around 60 grams per day, and Men are typically recommended around 80 grams per day.

When you are looking to purchase a protein shake, look for whey protein that is low in sugar. Spacing your protein throughout the day, is a safer, more effective way to get the protein that you need.

It is important to track your protein as you go through the bariatric process.
1 Ounce of chicken, beef, fish, or eggs is going to be about 7 grams of clean protein.

Protein supplements will be necessary for a time, but gradually you will transition into whole foods.

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Question 1/4
Why is protein so important after bariatric surgery?

Question 2/4
Which Statement Is NOT true regarding how much protein you will need after bariatric surgery?

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